Energy & Power

Energy & Power industry clouds cover fields such as power production and distribution, renewable energy solutions, EV charging and energy efficiency optimization.

This sector is crucial for critical infrastructure, it literally keeps the lights on. We have aligned our service offering closely with national emergency and supply requirements to provide top of the class business continuity and disaster recovery functionalities combined with the excellence of public cloud agility and efficiency.

At Cloud2, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the Energy & Power industry. Our expertise in cloud technologies enables us to provide innovative solutions that drive digital transformation, enhance operational efficiency, and support the transition to cleaner more robust energy sources.

Multicloud solutions can offer numerous benefits for energy and power companies. Some of the key ways in which multicloud platforms can benefit the energy sector include:

Enhanced grid management and analytics: Cloud solutions can help companies improve the management and analysis of their grid data. Cloud computing enables efficient and cost-effective storage and processing of large amounts of data from smart meters, sensors, and other IoT devices. Companies can leverage cloud-based analytics tools from various providers to gain insights and make data-driven decisions. And of course the AI capabilities are most easily unlocked by having the data in the cloud.

Improved collaboration and operational efficiency: Cloud platforms can enhance collaboration and operational efficiency. By storing data and applications in the clouds, employees can access them securely from any device and location, facilitating information sharing and remote operations. This leads to increased productivity and faster response times.

Cost optimization: Utilizing cloud operations can lead to significant cost savings. Companies can choose the most cost-effective services from different cloud providers, reducing expenses associated with IT infrastructure and maintenance. The pay-as-you-go model allows for flexible resource allocation based on demand.

Enhanced scalability and flexibility: Cloud solutions provide superior scalability and flexibility. Energy companies can easily scale resources up or down across different cloud platforms to meet fluctuating demand, such as during peak usage periods or when integrating renewable energy sources.

Robust security and compliance: Leading cloud providers offer advanced security features such as encryption, identity and access management, and compliance certifications. A multicloud approach allows companies to implement comprehensive security strategies, ensuring the protection of critical infrastructure and sensitive data.

Specialized services for the energy sector: Different cloud providers offer unique services tailored for the energy and power industry. For example, AWS provides IoT and machine learning services for predictive maintenance, while Google Cloud offers solutions for optimizing renewable energy integration. Microsoft Azure provides specific tools for energy grid management.

Disaster recovery and business continuity: Multicloud strategies enable robust disaster recovery solutions. By distributing data and applications across multiple cloud providers, energy companies can ensure high availability and quick recovery in case of outages or cyber incidents.

In summary, cloud solutions offer several advantages for energy and power companies. These benefits can help organizations manage and analyze grid data more efficiently, improve operational efficiency, optimize costs, enhance security, and become more agile in adapting to the evolving energy landscape. By leveraging the strengths of different cloud providers, energy companies can build resilient, sustainable, and innovative power systems for the future.

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Why Cloud2?

Cloud2 is a group of around 80 cloud experts, where it is not customary to bind experts 100% to one customer. You always have access to a team that knows what different cloud platforms and technologies are up to today.

One of us has the best command of Azure, another of AWS, and the third is a deep expert in Google Cloud, but the technologies are not in competition with each other. A burning interest in best practices drives everything we do.

+80 other Cloud2 professionals

"When monitoring is set up, you have to ask exactly the right questions about the different systems. It doesn't make sense to rely on only one or two monitoring software, which would postpone the customer's applications as they are. It is better to look for those points that are essential for securing the operation of the system. After that, the tools that best suit the points are selected."

Anton Floor
Principal Cloud Advisor